James E. Girards is the Principal of The Girards Law Firm, which registered the website. Girards stated, "TMLTExposed.org is a website containing a collection of publicly available information regarding the conduct of Texas Medical Liability Trust in medical malpractice lawsuits, as well as the laws allowing that entity to exist and conduct itself in the insurance marketplace in Texas. The information raises important and disturbing questions about how insurance providers are allowed to conduct themselves in Texas and advocates changes in the law to protect healthcare consumers who are injured by healthcare corporations or Big Insurance." Girards said, "This website was posted within the boundaries of the United States Supreme Court interpretations of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, and Texas Medical Liability Trust's actions against the website and the Registrant are an example of how emboldened and unrestrained the insurance industry is in Texas. By this legal action we intend to show that the First Amendment and Texas law still apply in Texas - even against Big Insurance." - The Girards Law Firm
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