The legal community in California is embedded in a heated argument on pushing to ban judges from taking part in the Boy Scouts of America in response to the group’s policy to gays.
A year ago, the Scouts made a vote to make way to gay youths as members, but still not allowing gay adults to take part in leadership positions or become a member of the staff. The participation ban on judges could take effect this August, causing judges from the state to end ties with the group.
Supports view such policy as inacceptable for judges to be part of a group, whose gay restrictions made the issue a lightning rod in the gay rights issue.
The planned policy caused objections from law professional in certain parts of California, who sees the stand against the group as unconstitutional and politically incorrect.
Judicial rules in the state forbid judges from becoming a member of a group that discriminates an individual’s sexual preferences. But the policy isn’t applicable to non-profit youth organizations and religious groups.