The primary job of the Secret Service is to protect the White House and president. But recently it has come to light that in 2011 some of the top Secret Service officials were ordered to protect the assistant director of the agency. The assignment “Operation Moonlight” is said to have diverted some of the agents who were supposed to be patrolling the perimeter of the White House to a rural area in La Plata, Maryland. The small town is almost an hour away from Washington. The agents were informed that Director Sullivan was worried about his assistant who was reportedly being harassed by a neighbor.
Twice a day two agents were sent out to La Plata, Maryland and assigned to monitor the home of assistant Lisa Chopey. From June to August of 2011 the agents made this trip. The agents were actually members of Prowler, a surveillance team which was supposed to patrol the white house compound. The concern is that those agents assigned to Operation Moonlight were increasing security risks of the president.