The City of Warren Michigan may be in legal trouble after refusing Freedom from Religion to use a public atrium. James R. Fouts, the governor of Warren stated in a letter to the director of the group that since the group was not a "religion" and has no tenets, congregation or official place of worship, they could not use the space. Fouts also stated that the group was known to oppose the nativity and the Prayer Station in the atrium as well as the Annual Day of Prayer which is held in front of the City Hall. In his statement to the group, Fouts stated that the atrium was not available for anti-religious groups which were "intending to deprive all organized religions of their constitutional freedoms." However, the governor's rejection itself is unconstitutional and violates the Free Speech Clause. The government is not allowed to discriminate against any religious opinions including those which are anti-religious or irreligious in nature.